Microsoft acquires LinkedIn-as media buy-ups continue
Published on: 06/13/16 2:33 PM
We’ve seen the big media companies gobble up the most popular apps. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook- got Instagram,WhatsApp and Oculus VR . Google bought YouTube. Snapchat is holding out despite big offers from Yahoo and Facebook.
Now the business connecting site LinkedIn is, according to its new owner very much part of its business profile and ambitions.
And these overall ambitions are for dominance online- holding people on their site and offering them an ever increasing range of services. Hence Amazon advertising their new food delivery service.
The worry for us LinkedIn members is how our information might be used by Microsoft- just as Facebook sells its data to governments and others wanting knowledge of consumer interest and gaining access to target specific groups for campaigns. I found out the latter while working at COI, where Facebook came into present to us and offer us this data.
We are all becoming pawns in a huge online business game.