Cross-dressed to Kill
Cross-dressed to Kill is the unique collection of cross-dressing women’s stories. It tells why and how hundreds of young women worldwide dressed as men in the 17th to 20th centuries. Fearless, ‘tomboys’ full of ‘pluck and spunk’, they crossed the gender line, ignored prosecution to fight, kill and die in battle. Lesbians or transsexuals? Early feminists and icons? Illustrations. Songs and poems. An Appendix of inspiring women once forgotten but now remembered.
For feminists, students of women’s history and studies, libraries, academics and everyone who likes to read amazing adventures by extraordinary women.
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Videojournalism: History, Pioneers, Theory and Practice.
(2017 Amazon £7.99)
A handbook on practical advice about how to use smart phones and small cameras to produce videos for news, features and online.
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Practising Videojournalism
(2008 Routledge) – a handbook for students and journalists wanting to use video for new media/multi-media platforms. Information on blogs,podcasts,vodcasts and mobile journalism applications.