Published on: 08/24/24 3:36 PM
Published on: 03/24/23 4:00 PM
‘Cross-dressed to Kill’- Vivien Morgan talks at the National Army Museum about her book on women who cross-dressed as men to go to war
Cross-dressed as soldiers from the 17th to the 19th century ‘Cross-dressed to Kill’ is a collection of extraordinary stories by twenty women cross-dressers of English, Irish, French, Prussian, Russian, Spanish, American…Published on: 03/24/23 3:47 PM
‘You say you want a Revolution’ talk about how new video technology changed newsgathering and story-telling forever
The theme of this year’s World Storytelling Day is ‘Together we Can’. Organisers say that ‘Worldwide events have made storytellers in society help build community spirit and inspire change’. Vivien…Published on: 08/5/21 9:04 AM

Cross-dressed to Kill Book reviews
Published on: 03/3/21 2:02 PM

My 3rd Woman to Remember for #Womenshistorymonth
#WomensHistoryMonth. My 3rd woman to remember.Geneviève Prémoy, alias Chevalier Balthazard 1660–1704, enlisted as a French officer for 15 years.Her 1st love was fighting,but got entangled with many women while in…Published on: 03/2/21 2:57 PM
March is Women’s History Month- my 31 women to remember!
She brought 'good hope' or 'bonne esperance' her French nickname to the troops she fought with.Published on: 03/1/21 10:53 AM

International Women’s Day Talk- on Cross-dressing Women
400 years ago a young spanish girl ran away from her convent to dress in men's clothes and find a life of freedom- and fighting. Catalina de Erauso is the first story in my book on Cross--dressing women, and explains how and why she did it. 'Nun turned Top-Gun! is one of her nicknames todayPublished on: 02/17/21 1:58 PM

Zoom talks -coming up
Zoom talks comin-up soonPublished on: 01/18/21 11:58 AM

Florence Nightingale – good at numbers not just nursing!
Florence Nightingale also made her mark on the use of statistics with diagrams that survive to this day- proving not only how soldier's survival rates improved but that visual representation of figures in diagram form- helped people understand - and got new public health acts passed.Published on: 01/5/21 11:36 AM