Published on: 11/11/24 4:12 PM
Published on: 11/11/24 3:46 PM

Book talk at Emsworth Museum
Great audience at the Emsworth Museum talk, in the Community Centre. As the Museum's Director said' Didn't know so many people were interested in cross-dressing!'Published on: 08/24/24 3:36 PM
Do you love writing about your travels- where you’ve been,seen and done?
Join my new Improve your Travel Writing Skills course. I'm really excited about this new course as it looks at what you can do to improve your travel writing skills.…Published on: 04/11/24 9:33 AM

Teaching -Improving Writing skills course
Just completed the first of my teaching on Improving Writing Skills. It was the most rewarding group of women who were really keen on writing and improving their skills- at…Published on: 03/20/24 6:09 PM

Book talk at Battersea WI
Had a warm welcome at the Battersea WI's meeting last night to talk about my book Cross-dressed to Kill. They were interested in the stories of the women soldiers and…Published on: 03/3/24 8:26 PM
Teaching creative writing course this month
Excited to be leading a 5 week course based at Kensignton Central Library in London on creative writing as part of the Adult Learning programme. The focus is very much…Published on: 03/24/23 4:00 PM
‘Cross-dressed to Kill’- Vivien Morgan talks at the National Army Museum about her book on women who cross-dressed as men to go to war
Cross-dressed as soldiers from the 17th to the 19th century ‘Cross-dressed to Kill’ is a collection of extraordinary stories by twenty women cross-dressers of English, Irish, French, Prussian, Russian, Spanish, American…Published on: 03/24/23 3:47 PM
‘You say you want a Revolution’ talk about how new video technology changed newsgathering and story-telling forever
The theme of this year’s World Storytelling Day is ‘Together we Can’. Organisers say that ‘Worldwide events have made storytellers in society help build community spirit and inspire change’. Vivien…Published on: 08/5/21 9:04 AM

Cross-dressed to Kill Book reviews
Published on: 03/3/21 2:02 PM