Teaching and Training
Published on: 08/24/24 3:36 PM
Published on: 08/20/24 4:37 PM
Improve your writing skills
Autumn begins for me with a new Improve Your Writing Skills course. As I prepare to welcome my new course participants I remember that the autumn is always when we…Published on: 04/11/24 9:33 AM

Teaching -Improving Writing skills course
Just completed the first of my teaching on Improving Writing Skills. It was the most rewarding group of women who were really keen on writing and improving their skills- at…Published on: 03/3/24 8:26 PM
Teaching creative writing course this month
Excited to be leading a 5 week course based at Kensignton Central Library in London on creative writing as part of the Adult Learning programme. The focus is very much…Published on: 10/7/13 3:18 PM
The practical use and application of social media to News and PR campaigns
“Be there or be square” is an early quote used when new media or social media was just beginning. Today the same rule applies that you can’t afford NOT to…Published on: 10/7/13 3:16 PM
Video content and production, including video journalism techniques
This two day course works with the course on learning about social media, as much of the content on sites is visual. Video is a powerful way of getting your…Published on: 10/7/13 3:12 PM
Presentation and Speech-writing skills
Like an essay a good speech must have a beginning, middle and end. It also has a number of different elements that you need in order to achieve your objective…Published on: 10/7/13 3:11 PM
Effective Writing for Business, PR, News, Features and Scripts
Why do you need to be able to write well? A clear, well laid-out and structured document achieves it purpose. We all write with an aim in mind whether it…Published on: 10/7/13 2:26 PM