Improve your writing skills

Published on: 08/20/24 4:37 PM

Autumn begins for me with a new Improve Your Writing Skills course. As I prepare to welcome my new course participants I remember that the autumn is always when we think of a new beginning. It’s a new term for many, at school or college. It is definitely a return from holidays to our real lives.

Improving your writing skills is helpful for so many reasons. If you are struggling with English as a second language, then it helps you learn about grammar, punctuation and a more elaborate style of writing. For those wanting to develop a voice or tone of their own- wwhether in factual writing, for a blog or fiction it is also a time to re-learn and re-think your technique. So many of us want to write fiction whether a short story, novel or just a travelogue or account, but we lack the confidence to do so. A improve your writing skills course gives you that boost. By working on your writing, doing homework and then reading aloud to a responsive and supportive group, you can be surprised at how much you gain
